Bed bugs are pests, and health and safety hazards. They might easily get into your home or apartment, but they are hard to destroy. Getting rid of them could also prove costly. So, if you uncover an infestation, you might wonder if you have help under your renters insurance? Unfortunately, you usually do
not have this protection. Why is this the case?
Bed bugs are usually not the type of hazards or perils that renters insurance covers. However, they can prove devastating. Therefore, you must take any risk of them seriously.
Understanding Bed Bugs
A bed bug is a parasite found in the environment and on certain animals. They can bite humans and cause some very uncomfortable health risks. The thing that makes a bed bug dangerous is that it’s a burrowing creature. It nests in environments like mattresses or other cushions. Then, the bugs can attack and bite us while we sleep. That’s why it has the name bed bug.
Because bed bugs are biting creatures, they are a health risk. They are also easy to spread throughout a home. After they contact a surface like a mattress, they are hard to exterminate. Getting rid of them usually requires extermination services in a home. You will also likely have to throw away contaminated items like your bedding.
Bed bugs are so dangerous that many renters must report them to their landlords. It might fall on the tenant to repair the damage and replace the items. If you tackle these costs, you might wonder if your renters insurance will help you.
Renters Insurance and Beg Bugs
Renters insurance will generally only apply to accidental, unavoidable accidents on a property. In most cases, bud bug infestations do not fall into this category. Therefore, you will receive no help from renters insurance in covering these costs. Some renters policies even exclude bed bugs from their coverage, explicitly.
Generally, you can prevent bed bugs through normal home upkeep and maintenance. In a rental property, you should keep the home hygienic and clean. Make sure your landlord will provide pest inspections, as is usually their responsibility. If you suspect bed bugs, immediately tell the landlord.
In some cases, the landlord will be the party to pay for the costs of bed bug cleanup. In other words, if the pest presence was due to their negligence, then they might have to pay to fix the issue. However, carefully review your lease to see if it mentions how you must approach the issue. Many leases will list explicit bed bug policies.
Also Read: Does Renters Insurance Cover Sprinkler Damage?